Complete Apichou Hive for Fertilization
49.00 CHFThe Apichou fertilization hive by its size and composition offers the ideal conditions for the breeding of queen honey bees. Indeed, this hive offers a good control of the state…
Complete Kemp Queen Breeding Kit
65.00 CHFAll the necessary equipment to raise queens according to Jacques Kemp’s method. Without grafting, without traumatizing the future queens and with a minimum of material, this technique is accessible to…
Expedition Queen Cage and Introduction
1.50 CHFThis cage allows you to transport or insert a queen in a colony. A compartment is provided to put candy to feed the queen and her companions.
Galvanized Steel Funnel
65.00 CHFThis funnel is the ideal tool to sweep your bees during the honey harvest, to populate the nuclei. Place the funnel on a bucket, sweep the bees into the funnel…
75.00 CHFMini+ composition Anti-varroa flooring, drawer, aluminum grill Entrance door, fixed elements and screws Tenon assembly body with 6 nestable frames High frame cover with feeding hole Plastic feeder 1kg Sheet…
Piston Tube for the Marking of Queens
9.00 CHFIt allows gentle marking of queens thanks to its anti-scratch safety zone and a plunger equipped with a protective foam.
Plastic Clip Plier
4.00 CHFWhen manipulating brood frames, use these pliers to isolate the queen. The queen clamp will allow you to catch the queen delicately without hurting her to mark her or to…
Queen Cage Progressive Introduction
2.00 CHFThe queen’s release time is extended thanks to the double compartments. The bees quickly enter the smaller queen compartment and exit with the queen through the large side when it…